

To the East of Dervharn there was a river that acted as natural boundary. The water came down the mountains, and since it mostly flowed under the shadow of the trees it was extremely cold, although delicious. There were barely any houses built near the water's edge, because a small tributary crossed the city and supplied water, saving the inhabitants the need to transport it.

There was a stretch along which both banks were fairly close to each other. A small pond had formed at the feet of a gigantic hundred-year-old tree, with thick and twisted roots, fed by the main stream. Aquatic plants covered it, and some fish ventured its still waters and settled there.

The top of the tree was encircled by a house of elven built. The wide platform surrounding it overlooked the river and the pond. Its only access was a spiral staircase, since it was too isolated to build footbridges. As for the inside, it was spacious and comfortable, with little furniture but the necessary. There were two particular rooms that spoke volumes about the kind of elves who dwelt there: one was full of shelves with books, scrolls and writing tools; the other, of weapon racks displaying weapons of every kind, including some rarities that seemed to be used exclusively by the Silvans, such as the curved-blade short swords that adapted to the arm. The recent owners of that collection had made their best to get familiar with it, in a very enthusiastic way; specially one, an elf with dark hair and deep eyes...

Sül opened his eyes and found an empty space on the bed. That was strange, considering how attached his companion was to beds in general, and that one in particular. And the hollow was cold: that slick redhead had slipped through his fingers without waking him up and vanished. For an ex-Shadow like him that would have been humiliating, but at that point the young elf had got used to the gifted's new abilities. And speaking of fingers... wrapped around his little finger he found a long red hair. It hadn't got there by coincidence; it was a certain person's equivalent to a reassuring message when he had to leave and didn't want to bother him. Sül smiled and held that lonely thread in front of his eyes, put it in a safe place, jumped out of the bed, grabbed his trousers and looked outside the window.

Dawn had just broken, as the birds were announcing. He had to admit that house was a good place to live. They were isolated enough as to have privacy and the frame of the river and the trees was very beautiful. A radical change, compared with the life he had been leading so far in Argailias. he unconsciously took his hand to his stomach and slipped it along the smooth skin. There was no trace of the Darshi'nai poison left inside of him.

He remembered his first day in Dervharn. As they had done for Caradhar, the Silvans had kept their distance and leave him some privacy so that he wouldn't feel overwhelmed. All but one: that elf so similar to Vira that had run to greet the gifted, Lioges. The resemblance had truly given him goosebumps.

Sül was no empathic, and definitely no telepath; and yet at first sight he had realised Lioges didn't think much of him. Well, everything he could say was that the feeling was mutual, because his companion had confessed him what that elf had been doing during the last weeks he had spent in the forest. It was a very weird feeling: relief on the one hand, knowing Caradhar hadn't been able to sleep with anyone, and on the other, the distrust that celebrated healer inspired him, knowing he had dared to lay his hands on... He couldn't say that'd taken him by surprise, since he shared blood with a pervert like Vira, but he better kept those delicate hands away from his partner.

To cap it all, it had been Lioges himself who had freed him from the Darshi'nai poison. Had he done it on purpose to make him feel indebted, or was he just looking for ingratiating himself with Caradhar? He couldn't say, and one way or another it was humiliating. But to be fair, the redhead would always keep himself aloof and try not to be alone with the healer, no matter how kindly they behaved with each other. Sül was sure about that, because there was practically no moment of the day in which he wouldn't feel wrapped by the gifted's thoughts.

As Vira had explained about his connection with Dainhaya, Sül had become Caradhar's fulcrum. He hadn't needed years to develop that bond, although in a certain way it had taken years indeed: all those that had passed since they had met, since the dark-haired elf had fallen in love with him and had come to consider him his most important person. In the precise moment in which the gifted's mind had found a way out, he had been the receiver of his call, the one at the other end of the only thread the redhead had woven in his life. Those baffling tears he had shed in Argailias... The memory was still a burden for him, but also filled him with a warm feeling of joy. Despite everything, despite themselves, he had always been his most important person as well. He felt like closing his eyes and smiling.

Caradhar's mind had become a powerful recipient of thoughts and sensations. That was one of the reasons why they had to live isolated. It was better for him to stay away from other minds until he dominated the technique to build shields and control the flow. He used to receive visits from those they called the guides, who were taking care of training him.

The first days had been though. Alone in their new house, without any other telepath like Dainhaya to offer him protection, the new weaver's thoughts had been sent out and had chaotically drank from the only mind around: Sül's. At night, when they were both asleep and everything escaped to his control, they had slipped inside the former Shadow's memories and found here and there some bitter remembrance, some feeling of anguish pushed into some distant corner, buried under layers of new, much more optimistic memories, but still throbbing in his subconscious. In those nights Caradhar would sob in his sleep, his chest convulsed with such an amount of angst that Sül would always open his eyes, seized by the same pain. The only thing he could do in those occasions was waking him up and squeezing him in his arms, and whispering comforting words until he managed to calm him down, until he proved him those things he thought he was still feeling had been left far behind. Past was past, he used to tell him, and that was their present, and by the gods that he'd never change as much as a damn comma in all their story if the outcome was meant to be like that, with him in his arms, his heart beating so fast, the intoxicating scent of his skin under his nostrils...

That memory brought back another much more positive one: the redhead's enthusiasm concerning his newly discovered sense of smell. In moments like that one had to be grateful that gifted elves didn't gain weight, because the way he had to try everything edible he could lay hands on would have been fatal for his waist... not to speak about drinks. He had regretted now and then, half joking, half seriously, the impossibility of getting Caradhar drunk to have him at his mercy, even if just for one day. However, keeping in mind how much wine and liquor the young elf had been drinking those days, Sül had been forced to acknowledge that body that wouldn't be affected by alcohol. Even when he was buried in those mountains of Silvan books, learning their language and story, he would always keep at hand a dish of some kind of delights and a jar of his favourite drink of the moment.

Sometimes he'd simply sit outside, close his eyes, lean back and breath the fragrance of the forest in, the grass, the flowers, the ground, wet with rain... the fragrance of the river. How could a river have a fragrance? Sül hadn't considered it so far, yet apparently Caradhar had, and there he was, sitting near the bank day after day, and he didn't need anything else.

But of course, and from a selfish point of view, the best consequence of that discovery was being personally enjoyed by the dark-haired elf himself. The way in which Caradhar would sink his nose into every hollow of his body and inhale with great relish, and those little moans, and his tongue, running along his whole skin, licking every single inch... ugh, that drove him mad. There were moments in which he'd feel more like a kitten than like an elf, so devoted to the task his partner was... although it had to be said that when those attentions were focused on a certain part of his anatomy, his complaints, reservations and any doubt he could harbour would vanish along with his rational thoughts.

And that was the other reason why they had given them every chance to live on their own in an isolated house. In a society like Dervharn relationships that could bear no fruit weren't accepted. A couple like them would be more than likely kept away from prying eyes. The look that elf called Father had cast upon him when he had realised Sül was the reason why Caradhar wouldn't pair a female elf off... Who did he think he was? The official breeder of the forest? Fuck you, bastard, Sül had thought, 'cause he's mine and no one else's. And right then that guy had gone red. A tactical mistake indeed: in Dervharn, not only your tongue had to be kept under control, but also your thoughts... In the end, the dark-haired elf had shrugged, for he had accepted he couldn't please everybody. And knowing the so-called Father despised Vira as well had made the Silvan score some points with Sül. That was something else they had in common.

Sound of steps at the foot of the tree... His slippery companion was finally there. The steps quickly climbed the stairs up to the house, and then the bedroom. The crimson-haired elf entered carrying a big basket and munching a red apple; a trickle of sweet juice ran down his chin to the collar of his shirt. It was virtually impossible to leave a load of food in his hands and expect he wouldn't try it... Sül felt like smiling again.

'Good morning,' he managed to say between bites, leaving the basket on the floor and sitting on the bed. 'There was absolutely nothing to eat in the house, so I went for provisions. I hope you'll prepare something good, because these past days on travel rations have been depressing.'

The dark-haired elf snickered. Caradhar was completely useless in the kitchen, and if he had had to take care of his own meals he would have been in deep trouble. But he was right: they had just arrived from Argailias, where they had finally met the new Maede of House Elore'il. Lord Navhares had lost his ties to his name and was part of the Prince's House. He had to confess to himself he felt sorry for the boy, who had been another political toy and most probably would never be satisfied with his life. Along with the compassion he also felt a pang of jealousy. And he despised himself for it: wasn't it normal that Caradhar were fond of him? He was his son after all. But he also knew the boy's affection was of a different kind. Well, no use thinking about it since he had been the chosen one, and sharing the redhead from time to time and letting Navhares receive a purely fraternal love wasn't a high price to pay.

'I could've done it myself,' answered Sül while the gifted shoved another apple into his mouth, took his shirt off and kicked his boots away, all at the same time. 'It must be overwhelming for you to get close to the other houses without a telepath who'd... what the heck are you doing?'

'No. You were so soundly asleep I didn't want to bother you. It's good if I spoil you from time to time. Moreover I manage pretty good on my own. Tirsseil says my shields are almost perfect and the only thing I have to improve is the way I project myself into other people, because my entrances are fairly abrupt.' The redhead smiled broadly and wickedly. 'That's right, my entrances have always been fairly abrupt, haven't they?'

'Are you getting ready for one right now?' asked the other elf, also wickedly. 'What's the rush in going starkers?'

'Oh, that.' Caradhar finished his second apple and got rid of his trousers with one single pull. 'Morning bath. Waiting for you downstairs. Don't be long.'

The gifted passed besides him completely naked, jumped from the window to the platform and disappeared from sight. Sül groaned. What did he see in those morning baths? The water was always frozen. He sighed and prepared to follow him, but he grabbed his trousers first. Experience had taught him to be prepared...

Outside, the dark surface of the water seemed quiet and clear under the carpet of aquatic plants. That cheat of a gifted had to be thinking of playing dirty tricks again. The problem was that pond, despite it wasn't too big, it was deep enough to allow Caradhar to hide inside and try to scare the hell out of him. And wouldn't he hold his breath for a long time, the rascal... Cursing quietly he removed his trousers and slipped down the roots of the huge tree to the extremely cold water. He clenched his jaw and went for a sudden immersion, and then got his head out forcing his teeth not to chatter. He'd make him pay, oh wouldn't he... if he ever found him.

The water reached his chest. He started to walk around slowly, trying to guess in which place the elf was hidden. Abrupt entrances, huh? He'd teach him what an abrupt entrance was... He started to visualise in great detail what he was planning to do with him, in case that young demon were spying his mind. That is, if he could get it up, deep as he was into that pool of ice. Then he searched the still surface thoroughly, alert to the smallest movement of the tiniest leaf; nothing. He ventured some more steps...

The attack came from the front, unexpected as always, yet very different this time. Something smooth and warm seized his crotch and caressed his asleep sex. His first reaction was jumping backwards, but a pair of firm hands kept his legs nailed to the spot while the caresses intensified. Sül looked down and everything he could see were aquatic plants; sweeping them aside he made out something waving under the dark surface: a floating mane... The elf grabbed those velvet tresses and pulled them gently to keep the head they were attached to stuck to his body. He smiled mischievously, wishing him good luck if he thought making it stand up was going to be easy in those circumstances. Probably he'd had to come out to catch some breath before getting any results...

But he had underestimated the ability of those lips sliding along his member, relaxed so far, and the delicious slippery sensation under the water. Trapped between those silky walls, inside that warm cavern, his sex started to wake up, also stirred by the tongue brushing and swirling around it. His quiet moans started to echo along the silent surface of the pond, barely disturbed by some soft splashing. And when the hands holding him went up to his buttocks and seized them, kneading them vigorously, his body got warm very fast, and a burning wave arose from his lower abdomen to his cheeks. His fingers dug even deeper into those elusive locks; his hips started to thrust in search of that torrid moisture...

Caradhar's head emerged in front of him, his hair like a bright red piece of satin, stuck to his neck and shoulders; tiny drops of water splashed his eyelashes and slipped down his face. He breathed in deeply, his lungs trying to regain the air they had been deprived of for such a long time, but Sül wasn't very compassionate: his lips soon trapped that panting mouth and again stole its breath. His arms surrounded tightly that beautiful pale body and squeezed it, and the perfect slippery sensation on his skin made him want him even more. Going down along his sides to his groin, his hands moved between his thighs and spread them. Caradhar wrapped his legs around the dark-haired elf's muscular hips, whose hands travelled then to his butt cheeks and exposed his opening. The gifted's moan inside his mouth excited him, and the wish of watching his expression right then made him break the kiss and tilt his head backwards.

The redhead anxiously breathed in again, bathing him with warm air, intensely staring at him with those eyes that burned through the long, wet eyelashes. Nothing could be heard but the sound of his panting. He slightly pushed himself up, using his legs, took hold of Sül's ram and guided it very slowly inside his back entrance, through which it slid smoothly as silk until it entered him completely. And that look... that look that mixed lust, desire and that feeling the gifted had learnt to name not a long time ago... When he started to take impulse and move up and down, their lips so close they brushed each other, the burning wave roaming inside his lover's body turned into blazes.

He held him as strong as he could, as if that slippery skin were about to trickle like water through his fingers, and paced his ride, that speeded up as his excitement increased. Feeling the rubbing of his swollen member along his abdominals he placed his hand around it to procure him even more pleasure, brushing the tip with his thumb. Never losing eye contact, the gifted raised the volume of his moans little by little until the flesh seized by Sül's palm started to throb and pulsate; his lips became even more apart; his eyelids fell down slightly; his reddish eyebrows frowned for some long seconds in a display of enjoyment.

Caradhar was an truly arousing vision every time Sül made him climax like that... The dark-haired elf drank thirstily from those convulsed features and then kissed him, craving to keep going but knowing he wouldn't last much longer. Reading his desire, the gifted's hand went down to his rear; his index finger penetrated that narrow tunnel easily, and Sül stifled a cry. A second finger joined the first one, and the elf shivered. Then Caradhar interrupted the kiss and said softly, close to his partner's ear: 'Hello, Vira'. Sül turned his head sharply...

But the redhead's fingers reached right then his sweet spot, and the muscles of his inner walls trapped tightly the member about to burst they were sheltering. A violent and unstoppable orgasm shook the elf's body right when his eyes were meeting the tall Silvan's ones, that stared at him wide open. Panting, his heart about to come out of his chest, he wished the earth would open and swallow him. Alright, he thought, I can't sink lower than this. I know he spied me in bed like one hundred times, but coming while looking him in the eyes...

He slowly looked back at that fire red-haired demon that was tracing his tattoos with his fingers... inside whom he still was, for all the gods, and had to suppress a sudden impulse to strangle him. Caradhar had changed, no doubt about that, but certain aspects of him were just the same. As his incredible shamelessness. The gifted smiled apologetically, held him and pressed their foreheads together, and Sül understood at once that had been a simple display of dominance for the newcomer's eyes. The mere thought was astonishing: Caradhar was jealous. He didn't know if he should laugh or still be annoyed...

'Ahem...' Vira cleared his throat; amazing, considering it was almost impossible to render him speechless. The gifted perceived he clearly wasn't the others' most favourite person right then. 'Well... I see we chose a good moment to come, good for you, at least...' We?, the other elves thought. 'but you might want to uncouple to speak. Unless you want us to come back later, once you're done feeding the fish.'

The tall Silvan quickly recovered his aplomb, and his tone became slightly mocking. But then he moved aside, showing Lioges' figure, who was following him at a distance. He had turned his face aside and his embarrassment was so evident that it wasn't needed to be an empathic to notice it. Sül stared at his partner, whose expression was more serious as he moved away after a light kiss on the lips. The dark-haired elf got out of the water and grabbed his clothes. Caradhar's voice sounded tense as he asked 'Can you throw me some trousers, Sül?'. Right, thought the young elf, it was good to be far-sighted in moment like that.

Sül stood there, serving as a screen for the redhead's modesty as he got dressed. Then he moved aside and saw him and the healer greeting each other somehow awkwardly and climbing the stairs up to the main platform. He didn't want to follow them and meddle in their conversation, but took good care of sitting on the roots of the tree, on a spot from where he could observe them. Vira joined him.

The younger elf regretted not wearing a shirt, because he had never liked to show his scarifications but to his partner. Besides, the way in which those wine-coloured eyes used to observe him never helped to make him feel comfortable. What the blazes... it couldn't get any worse.

'How was the trip?' asked the Silvan. He never missed a journey to Argailias, but he had other obligations that time.

'Not bad. It was quieter than Dervharn these days. And you?'

'Not bad either. I left Dainhaya with her so-called fiancé's clan. You know, getting to know each other. It's funny but I think his brother attracts her much more. I don't blame her, he'd attract me much more as well. To begin with, he doesn't have a stick up where the sun doesn't shine. I tell you I am sure somebody is swapping partners, and I'll have to go into exile to Argailias to escape Father's wrath.'

That was another reason why Father used to lose his temper at the sole mention of Vira and Sül. Upon her return from the elven city Dainhaya had refused to pair her mentor's chosen one off, claiming she wasn't going to share her life with somebody she barely knew. The elf's shame and disappointment had known no limits, and since those two had spent their last weeks in Argailias alone with her, it had been too easy to pin the blame on them for being a negative influence on the female. What else could be expected, he had thought, from those elves with such unnatural impulses?

As for the true reason Caradhar had taken refuge in Argent City, it had been far less comical. The memory haunted Sül's mind and filled it with contradictory feelings, mostly dark ones. He always tried to suppress them because they saddened his partner even more, but it wasn't easy at all.

Everything had started the day they had left that city, in which the gifted had told him about his conversation with Navhares, including the dream the boy had mentioned. And after the dream he had talked about that thing he had been doing for weeks, at the request of Lioges... The young elf had found it was odd; odd, and bizarre, and yes, painful. Not as painful as if he had been sleeping with dozens of female Silvans, as Sül had imagined in his worst nightmares, but certainly unpleasant. And Navhares' dream had worried Caradhar.

Upon their arrival to the forest the news hadn't taken him by surprise: Mirtuillë was pregnant. That had pleased the Silvans but it had been a great blow to the gifted, for it would mean to disappoint his companion again. He had sincerely expected that he would leave after hearing it, that it would be the last straw.

The former Shadow hadn't been happy. How could he? But he had forgiven Caradhar once more. It had been a long night, with the gifted sobbing in his arms in such a heartbreaking way. To make it even worse that meddling healer had come to butt in pretending the best for him were some hours of deep slumber. There had been true concern in his voice, he couldn't deny that, but if they had arrived at that situation it was partly his fault. And since Caradhar had clung to him wishing to be left alone, Sül had threw him out using a language that would go down in the annals of Dervharn history as the rudest, most irreverent and profane ever heard across that part of the world. That had reinforced Lioges' belief: Darshi'nai were nothing but scum. For his part, Vira still chuckled to himself every time he recalled the scene.

And time had passed and she had gone into labour. Mirtuillë, the guides' daughter, had given birth to a male elf. An elf with the gift.

How many chances were there for a gifted to have a son also blessed with the Gift? The news had spread like wildfire, not only inside the community of Dervharn but also among the other clans. It was the first gifted born among the Ancient Race since the times of the Great Blasphemy, and most likely he'd become a weaver as well, because he possessed the double mark of magic. Savhran, the guide, had been overwhelmed with joy, but Tirsseil had harboured reservations; she knew what was going to happen next.

The other clans' requests for Caradhar to share his blood with them had arrived non-stop, like Autumn rain. The gifted had locked himself in the house, terrified, and had refused to go out, harassed not only by the voices ringing in his ears but also by the ones echoing inside his head. Father had even suggested they could use Lioges' minimally invasive methods if the young elf refused to accept an appropriated partner... Sül could have killed him right there with pleasure. At least the female guide had stood up for him, sending them to Argailias. Such a paradox, having to resort to that city as an escape route.

After their return things seemed to be back to normal. Tirsseil had had words with the rest of the clans and even with Father. They could be accused of pretending to monopolise that blessed blood, but she didn't care: Dervharn's lost children had given enough of it as to account for a couple of lives.

'What about Navhares? Has he been dreaming lately?' asked Vira.

'From time to time. He agreed to meet the guide... which isn't easy for any of them. But of course he's dying to know how's the people Caradhar's living with nowadays. And he's very disappointed 'cause he'll never be able to develop his talent due to his dependence on potions. It's funny but I think it isn't as much the power it represents as the fact that possessing talent would make him feel closer to him...'

'A failed sighted.' Vira whistled. 'Do you know how rare sighted elves are? None had been born for ages.' They both remained silent for some instants. 'Corail has always been a real bitch.'

'At least we agree on that.'

'But we have to admit there's something she did pretty nicely, at least, since your redhead's blood is top quality.'

'If that's what she did pretty nicely she could have spared us. It only brought us buggering problems.'

'You'll never know. It things had been different you two might have never met. Gods love to toy with us, and we can do nothing but screwing ourselves and dance. I don't know how you dance, but you're quite skilled with screwing.'

'Huh... about what you just saw in the water...' started Sül, feeling awkward.

'Take it easy. I know very well why he did it. Isn't it charming? Our Caradhar won't loose a chance to show me you belong to him. I feel flattered: someone like him thinks I can be a threat.' He chuckled. 'He changed a lot. He even became modest. I never thought I'd see the day in which he'd hide behind you to get dressed.'

'He didn't become modest.' The dark-haired elf smiled slightly and looked down. 'When we arrived yesterday the guides came to welcome us. Adhar had just taken a bath and appeared buck naked in the middle of the room, drying his hair as if it was nothing. Tirsseil managed to keep that composed face of hers, but the way Savhran raised his eyebrows... I thought they'd escape through the top of his forehead.'

'Oh?' Vira raised his.

'It's about your brother. He doesn't want to provoke him more than necessary. He knows... well, we all know what Lioges feels for him.'

'I see.' The Silvan glanced up to the top of the tree. 'The only thing I can say is that he really did change.'

Silence came upon them again. The elder elf seemed to hear something; he turned around and smiled.

'A cardinal nest close to your house. How appropriated.'

'What?' Sül leaned down to have a look. After some time he discovered it: there was a nest indeed with a lay, well hidden among the bushes. There was no trace of the parents. 'Ah, that... a cardinal nest... isn't that cool...'

'You haven't the faintest idea what I am talking about.'

'...I've lived my whole damn life in a city... how do you want me to tell one nest from another? As far as I'm concerned it could be a fucking chicken nest...' Upon seeing the Silvan's mocking and condescending expression, Sül felt embarrassed. 'What? Why should I know how a chicken nest looks?'

'Hush... you're going to be lucky. Look, here comes the proud dad.'

Sül grumbled but leaned down again to watch. And certainly a small bird had landed on the nest. Its plumage was the most amazing red he could have ever imagined. It was almost like... The young elf started at it, delighted.

Vira took advantage to observe quite openly the elf that so carelessly had thrown himself over him.

'You're letting your hair grow,' he said.

'Well...' Sül noticed his posture and moved away quickly, 'Darshi'nai never wear it very long. As I'm no longer one Adhar said he'd like me to let it grow.' He moved his wet long hair aside. 'Frankly I don't know how you manage to train comfortably with such a mane...'

Vira's thick braid reached his waist.

'You'll have to learn to plait your hair.' The Silvan reached for his dark hair and started to plait it as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Sül was about to complain, but he was quickly distracted by his companion's next question. 'How do you feel after breaking up with the Darshi'nai?'

'What can I say? My neidokesh made it perfectly clear I wasn't worthy of the name. I never had what it took to be a Shadow. Leaving all that behind is the best it could happen to me.'

'That isn't completely true,' said Vira softly. 'Your name, Sül, comes from the ancient language. I bow to the Darshi'nai for they didn't completely forget the old traditions.'

'Really? And what does it mean?

'Shadow.' When he saw the young elf's disheartened expression the Silvan smiled. 'Don't worry. It's still a beautiful word that suits a beautiful...'

'What are you doing, Vira?'

Caradhar's voice coming from the platform interrupted the scene. Both elves looked up and saw Lioges leaving in silence, and the gifted walking down the steps in pairs and standing besides them with a weird look. As if he didn't mean to, he seized the braid from the tall elf's hands and finished it himself, planting a kiss on Sül's nape.

'Why don't you eat something, get dressed and come down for a walk?' he whispered. 'Today the area seems to be crowded anyway...'


The elf smiled and ran towards the house. As for the elves he had left behind... Caradhar barely dared to face Vira. He was well aware of what he was thinking and felt half annoyed, half ashamed. Finally he looked at him from the corner of his eye and found his gaze fixed on his, piercing him from side to side, and a whimsical smile curving his lips.

'What's your game, Vira?' asked the redhead, impatiently. ' You know perfectly he doesn't see you that way. Maybe I don't deserve him but it's me whom...'

'Oh I know, I know. And you know that if he got laid with me and we did it again and again, in the most depraved and deviant ways, you wouldn't have the shadow of a right to complain, right?'

'... That isn't happening.' The young elf's cheeks turned red.

'That might have happened if I had wanted. But what can I say? Most probably I've gone soft as time has gone by.'

'No. That means he's too important for you to throw everything overboard. If you only wanted sex from him I'd have no reason to worry.'

Vira's smile became broader, and also more bitter.

'Don't try to hide anything from a telepath for it's no use. Good news for you is that the maxim also goes for Sül, and he'd rather jump over his own sword than causing you any pain.'

'I'd also do anything for him, Vira. Anything.' The gifted's red gaze was full of... it was hard to tell: decision; remorse; anguish; passion; love...

'I know. Lately I've come to admire you and respect you, and since I'm not blind I also decided to step aside. But I am not like my brother, who rather avoid what he can't have. I'll warm up under the sun every time I have the chance. Too many years studying the Darshi'nai must have left a masochistic mark on me.'

'What do you mean, 'warm up under the sun'?' suspiciously asked Caradhar.

'I mean that if you ever notice tedium and monotony threaten your evenings in bed I'll be more than happy to join you both and spice them... no... wait... you know I'm joking...'

'Don't try to hide anything from a telepath'. That was a fairly good philosophy. 'Don't annoy a telepath' wasn't a bad one either. Vira's problem was that he used to forget both of them from time to time. He tried to raise his shields but couldn't do much to resist Caradhar's abrupt entrance, who forced him to stand up and jump into the water with a loud splash. Sül stuck his head out, alarmed by the noise, and watched the Silvan standing into the pond, soaking wet and covered with aquatic plants, under Caradhar's mischievous gaze. The most curious thing was that the younger elf offered his hand to his victim to get out and he accepted, but not without casting a good glance at it, as if that cheeky crimson-haired elf were holding out a beehive instead of a hand. One thing had to be acknowledged: Vira knew how to lose with elegance. Or at least he was a fast learner...

When Sül joined them the elf marked with magic had managed to get rid of most of the plants. Approaching Caradhar, displaying his magnificent teeth in a wide smile, he sank his hand into his red hair. The gifted arched his neck, satisfied.

'And what are your short-term plans, Vira?' asked the dark-haired elf. 'Apart from taking the fish out of your boots.'

'Hah, hah. First thing will definitely be updating my telepathic defence abilities. I never lose the hope of laughing last.'

'Good idea,' commented Caradhar. 'I'll keep developing my attacking ones. And when you realise you're losing your time, what else will you undertake?'

Vira's eyes oozed reproach, but also other emotions. They seemed to follow the course of the river, that quickly disappeared among the trees.

'I'm restless. Probably I won't stay in Dervharn much longer; I never do.'

'There's South wind blowing, and I always liked to swim against the tide. It may be a challenge to head towards there. After all, who knows where will I be tomorrow?'

'And you, Caradhar, where will you be tomorrow?'

'I don't know either.' The gifted raised his hand and placed it on Sül's, that rested upon his shoulder. 'But I do know whom I'll be with. And that's much more than I could ever say in my whole life.'


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